Serving the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire of Georgia and South Carolina.

News & Events Archive

Dr. Sabin A. Tomus Wins Best Family Physician in Best of Liberty Awards

Thursday, August 26, 2021

SouthCoast Health is pleased to announce that Dr. Sabin A. Tomus won best family physician in the Coastal Courier‘s 2021 Best of Liberty Awards.

The Importance of Sun Protection

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

At SouthCoast Health, we care about your wellness from head to toe — and that includes your skin!

Dr. Nelson Elam Addresses the Surge of COVID Pediatric Cases with WTOC

Monday, August 23, 2021

SouthCoast Health Pediatrician, Dr. Nelson Elam shared with WTOC how his team is working to accommodate the rise in sick pediatric patients during this back-to-school COVID surge

SouthCoast Health Lactation Counselor, Carisa Elmore Discusses Breastfeeding with WSAV

Monday, August 23, 2021

SouthCoast Health Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Lactation Counselor, Carisa Elmore recently spoke to WSAV about breastfeeding and the increase in the number of moms now choosing to breastfeed during the pandemic.

Tips for Adjusting to the Back-to-School Season

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Though you’ve made it through the first week or two of back-to-school, see our experts recommendations to help your child readjust to the new school year.

Updates on Our Safety Protocols for COVID-19

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Due to the increased number of cases of COVID-19 from the Delta variant to our region, we want to keep you updated on SouthCoast Health’s safety protocols for COVID-19.

SouthCoast Health Pediatrician, Dr. Crosland Talks with WSAV about COVID-19 Protection as Kids Return to the Classroom

Friday, August 6, 2021

SouthCoast Health pediatrician, Dr. Crosland spoke to WSAV on how to help cut down the spread of COVID-19 among students as our pediatric patients head back to school.

Landmark Achievements in SouthCoast Health History

Monday, August 2, 2021

Throughout its existence, SouthCoast Health has had its share of achievements, advancements, accolades. The following are just a few of its greatest hits from the past 25 years.