Serving the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire of Georgia and South Carolina.
If you are having a life-threatening medical emergency, please call 911 first or go to the nearest emergency room.
We want to make sure you get the emergency assistance you need without delay. Once help is on the way, you can contact your SouthCoast Health doctor for additional assistance as needed. If you call your physican's office after-hours, rest assured, we always have a doctor on call to assist you.
Not an emergency? Great! We're glad you're OK. Here's how to contact us...
Establish a relationship with a SouthCoast Health primary care physician to coordinate your Total Wellness care, or make an appointment with a specialist from SouthCoast Health's comprehensive network. Make an appointment online, find a physician, and contact their office directly, or call our main line at 912.691.3600.
If you are a current patient with SouthCoast Health and have a medical question, or want to schedule an appointment with your doctor, please contact your physician's office directly or login to the Patient Portal.
If you have any questions about your statement or billing, please call 912.691.3530.
Would you like to refer your patients to a SouthCoast Health specialist? Please contact the physician’s office directly or call 912.691.3600.
Interested in joining the SouthCoast Health team of physicians and medical professionals? Please contact our administrative office:
330 Benfield Drive
Savannah, Georgia 31406
Phone: 912.303.3552
Fax: 912.303.3506
If you want to contact us about something not covered above, please call our main office at 912.691.3600. We'll be happy to connect you with the right person to help you.