Serving the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire of Georgia and South Carolina.

Cancer Detection and Treatment

The surgeons at SouthCoast Health have significant expertise in the diagnosis and surgical management of many cancers that can affect the human body. And in their effort to provide the most effective and efficient care possible, they work closely with area oncologists and radiation oncologists. Here are some of the oncologic conditions they treat:

Gastrointestinal Cancer

Each year, over 220,000 Americans develop cancer of the stomach, pancreas, esophagus, small intestine, colon, liver or bile duct. As gastrointestinal cancers are usually age-related, many of these patients are elderly. A family history of gastrointestinal cancer can increase one’s risk of developing the disease. You should undergo early screening colonoscopy (before age 50) if you have had a family member diagnosed with colon cancer under age 60 or have a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease in early adulthood.

Pancreatic Cancer

Cancer of the pancreas ranks just behind lung cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer as the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. It is more common among men, and men between the ages of 60 and 70 are most at risk. Common symptoms of pancreatic cancer include weight loss, abdominal pain and jaundice.

Skin Cancer and Melanoma

Approximately 1.3 million Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year. Fortunately, the cure rate for skin cancer is almost 100% if found and treated early. If you notice a new growth on your skin or any changes in an existing skin growth, don’t assume it’s nothing to worry about. Visit your primary-care physician or dermatologist immediately and get your skin evaluated. Our surgeons are often referred patients who need surgical removal of malignant (cancerous) tumors and melanomas.