Serving the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire of Georgia and South Carolina.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

Hemorrhoid surgery, also known as hemorrhoidectomy, is a surgical procedure performed to remove swollen and inflamed hemorrhoidal tissue. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum or anus that can cause discomfort, pain, itching, bleeding, and difficulty with bowel movements. While many cases of hemorrhoids can be managed with conservative measures such as dietary changes, topical treatments, and lifestyle modifications, severe or recurrent hemorrhoids may require surgical intervention.

The Benefits of Hemorrhoid Surgery

The primary benefit of hemorrhoid surgery is the relief of symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. By removing the swollen tissue, surgery can alleviate pain, itching, bleeding, and other discomforts caused by hemorrhoids. Additionally, surgery aims to prevent complications such as thrombosis (blood clots within the hemorrhoid), prolapse (protrusion of hemorrhoidal tissue), and chronic irritation. Hemorrhoid surgery can improve quality of life by restoring normal bowel function and relieving the physical and emotional distress caused by symptomatic hemorrhoids.

Are You a Candidate for Hemorrhoid Surgery?

Determining whether someone is a suitable candidate for hemorrhoid surgery depends on various factors that include: 

  • The severity of symptoms
  • The size and location of the hemorrhoids
  • The presence of complications
  • The patient's overall health and medical history

While hemorrhoid surgery may be recommended for individuals with severe or recurrent symptoms that do not respond to conservative treatments, it is typically considered after other treatment options have been exhausted. Patients considering hemorrhoid surgery should consult with their SouthCoast Health surgeon, to evaluate their condition and discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives to surgery.